Mouth Canker

Viral infection stress hormonal fluctuation food allergy menstrual cycle vitamin or mineral deficiency immune system problem mouth injury.
Mouth canker. Factors that can increase your risk of mouth cancer include. Nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen an allergy to. Using a rinse of saltwater and baking soda placing milk of magnesia on the mouth ulcer covering mouth ulcers with baking soda paste using over the counter benzocaine topical anesthetic products like orajel or anbesol applying ice to canker sores using a mouth rinse that contains a. Possible triggers for canker sores include.
Canker sores have various causes and the most common ones include. Things that might cause minor sores include. Canker sores aphthous ulcers occur inside your mouth or on your gums. Stress tissue injury like from a sharp tooth or a dental appliance certain foods including citrus or acidic fruits and vegetables such as lemons oranges pineapples apples figs.