Grand Tartary

Some cartographers believed that the so called all the land not investigated by representatives of the catholic world.
Grand tartary. In the novel ada by vladimir nabokov tartary is the name of a large country on the fictional planet of antiterra. Tartary a vast country in the northern parts of asia bounded by siberia on the north and west. The grand tartary zemla swjata rusi asier russia the great venea the great rasseni europe germany atlantis the breakaway empire the 4 rodas the 4 aryan tribes races and castes history or iztoria from the tora the solar system jarilo system the galaxy language etymology law breeding and imprinting. From the 12th to the 19th century they placed this state in various parts of asia.
Said empire emerged at some point and it disappeared at some point but for some reason its existence has been covered up to suit. Its core notion is that the region known as tartaria or grand tartary in early modern european maps was not simply a vague geographical designate but in fact a vast centralised empire. Tartary was a blanket term used by europeans for the areas of central asia north asia and east asia unknown to european geography. This vast and powerful country is depicted on countless official maps and referenced in many texts from back then.
One of the biggest and most powerful countries in history until 1775 roughly tartaria is mostly unknown nowadays because its history makes the official history of our planet which is full of lies impossible. This is called great tartary. The vast empire of tartary is a country that appears on ancient maps. The great tartary is a geographical term used mainly by western european scholars.
It should be called the great wall of tartaria. Introduction for those not in the know the tartaria conspiracy theory is one of the most bizarre pieces of pseudo history out there. It encompassed the vast region of the pontic caspian steppe the. The openings on the wall are on the north side towards the former tartary not on the south china facing side.
Its core notion is that the region known as tartaria or grand tartary in early modern european maps was not simply a vague geographical designate but in fact a vast centralised empire. It had worldwide influence and once covered north and south america australia new zealand most of russia china europe japan india and korea.